
Mohan singh shyam

Mohan Singh Shyam’s journey as an artist is bound up with his rural upbringing. Mohan has exhibited his paintings in Delhi, Ujjain, Punjab, Khajuraho, Nasik, Raipur, Amarkantak and Bhopal.

About Mohan singh shyam

Mohan Singh Shyam’s journey as an artist is bound up with his rural upbringing. He likes painting the animals and birds he saw while growing up in Patangarh. He was five when he started painting on the walls of his house, with his mother Raja Bai. His father, Jagat Ram encouraged him to help his mother with her art work during festive occasions.Mohan has exhibited his paintings in Delhi, Ujjain, Punjab, Khajuraho, Nasik, Raipur, Amarkantak and Bhopal. He was also among the artists involved in the West Holland Animation Film Workshop in Bhopal in 2004. He works in the IGRMS Museum as a daily wage earner. One of the walls in the museum depicts his work along with the work of other artists.

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on canvas

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on canvas

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