Bhuri Bai is an internationally known practitioner of the Bhil folk art form, Bhuri Bai is a native to the state Madhya Pradesh. During the initial days of her paintings, Bhuri drew motivation from the time spent at the festivities carried out in her village Pitol. It was on the suggestion of Jagdish Swaminathan that Bhuri started to paint on the paper and canvas instead of mud walls, which marked a significant shift in her life. Her career is a fine balance between traditional art of Bhil and contemporary elements of surreal shapes and forms. Currently, Bhuri works as an artist in the Adivasi Lok Kala Academy in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Medium - Acrylic on canvas
63.5 x 44.5 Inches
Medium - Acrylic on canvas
67.5X33 Inch
Medium - Acrylic on canvas
60x46 Inch
Medium - Acrylic color on paper
14x20 Inch
Medium - Acrylic color on paper
26x20 Inch
Medium - Acrylic color on canvas
28x47 Inch
Medium - Acrylic color on canvas
45x28 Inch
Medium - Acrylic color on canvas
37x60 Inch
Medium - Acrylic color on canvas
60x47 Inch
Medium - Acrylic on canvas
Medium - Acrylic on paper
Medium - Acrylic on paper