
Jogi Painting

Jogi art is a folk art form that originated with the Jogi family of Rajasthan, India.  The art is characterised by uniform dots made with a ballpoint pen on paper. It explores the lives of ordinary people from a unique perspective. The art depicts the Jogi family's lifestyle, including the dualities and contradictions they experience.


About Jogi Painting

Jogi art is a folk art form that originated with the Jogi family of Rajasthan, India. The art is characterised by uniform dots made with a ballpoint pen on paper. It explores the lives of ordinary people from a unique perspective. The art depicts the Jogi family's lifestyle, including the dualities and contradictions they experience.

The art form began in the 1970s, when Indian cultural anthropologist Haku Shah suggested the Jogi family draw their songs. The Jogi family were originally itinerant folk musicians who sang traditional songs at dawn. The art form has evolved into a contemporary genre of folk drawings that articulate the many layers of the Jogi family's life experiences.

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