
Manoj Tekam

Manoj Kumar is a Gond Artist born in 1986, Manoj Tekam is a talented Gond artist who has worked under the watchful eye of renowned Gond artist Bhajju Shyam.

About Manoj Tekam

Born in 1986, Manoj Tekam is a talented Gond artist who has worked under the watchful eye of renowned Gond artist Bhajju Shyam. As is common amongst Gond artists, Manoj draws his inspiration from the wildlife and forests surrounding him, replicating the vibrant hues and rich textures seen in their community. He also enjoys working with a monochrome palette, with many of his works are completed using just black ink. Manoj, after working with Bhajju Shyam for a few years, decided to settle back into rural life. He visits cities only when he needs to purchase material for his art, much preferring the tranquility of his village where he can work without disturbance.

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic & pen ink on paper
22x15 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on canvas
45x34.5 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on canvas
58x36 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on canvas
45x36 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on canvas
45x34 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
22x15 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
15x22 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
22x15 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
22x15 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
22x15 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
22x15 Inch

Gond Art


Medium - Acrylic on paper
22x15 Inch

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